
Eglė Budvytytė und Marija Olšauskaitė

Sing Song Soil


Song Sing Soil explores the permeability between shapelessness and form, between the realms of living and dying, between meaning making and pulling it apart. The performance – a choreography for three performers – slowly unfolds around a specially conceived song that drifts between different mindsets, tones, voices and frequencies with a soundtrack that fluctuates between fierce instructions directed to the listener, silent moments, tender melodies and intimate musings. The performers’ movements respond to this soundscape, supporting the words with their bodies and gazes. Song Sing Soil makes a plea for us to slow down, to stay with the in-betweenness, and to expand our capacity for feeling and listening.

    Programme Text

    Music in liquefaction, it bubbles, drips, and oozes: “I drink your juices, I suck up my dirt.” It drifts between different mindsets, tones, voices, and frequencies, with a technically alienated soundtrack fluctuating between fierce instructions directed at listeners, silent moments, tender melodies, and intimate musings. The sound creates an enraptured atmosphere for a choreography unfolding on and around a trampoline.

    The performers’ movements respond to this soundscape, supporting the words with their bodies and gazes. Images emerge, of growing closer and moving apart, a sequence of affection and disengagement that does not resolve in togetherness nor isolation. Song Sing Soil explores the permeability between shapelessness and form, between the realms of living and dying, between creating meaning and pulling it apart again. Everything flows, nothing remains – not even Elon Musk, whose voice pops up in the soundtrack.

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